Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 17, Mesilla, NM to El Paso, TX

Up at our usual 6:00 am to the barest blush of daylight and a beautiful crescent moon. It is 25 degrees which explains the ice inside Jim's tent. We had some extra time this morning  because Jim's friend Harry is meeting us at the town square at 9:00. We found a coffee house near the square that had good food and had a leisurely breakfast. 

When we got to the square there was Harry with a dozen other cyclists. We thought we had an escort peleton to El Paso! It turned out to be group ride meeting there too by coincidence. 
Harry led us out of town on peaceful back roads and across the Rio Grande which was running dry here. 

Somewhere we crossed into Texas.
We visited the church where Harry and Rebecca got married. 

Harry led us to the new bike path along the Rio Grande which was largely empty. The only thing better would be if the stiff breeze was behind us Instead of the other way all day. 
We ate lunch at the famous Little Diner. Don Henly and George W. ate there anyway. The food was good. 
Back to the river path and through beautiful neighborhoods to Harry's. 
Jim and I got cleaned up and Harry drove us to get a few things. I needed some drug store items and some bike shop items. I bought a pair of long, thermal tights since what I had wasn't sufficient in the mornings. 
Later we had a fabulous dinner at their house and relaxed in great company. 
43 miles today. 


  1. Thanks James, so far, so good. It's an intimate way to see the country.
