Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 21, TX, Van Horn to Fort Davis

We left the motel before there was even a hint of sunrise and rode down to a restaurant.
By the time we left the hills north of Van Horn were lit up. 
 Several people talked to us about our trip and one in particular asked about our route for the day when we were ready to leave. He commented on it and went on inside, and then came back out and said he knew a shorter, flatter route to Fort Davis. The mapped route was over 90 miles and climbed about two thousand feet, passing near the McDonald Observatory. Shorter and flatter sounded pretty dang good to me. 
Texas thoughtfully provides litter barrels at some pull offs. This one was next to a group of buildings that catered to some past generation of motorists, now long closed. 
Our alternate route did prove to be pretty flat, at least on hwy 90 but we did have headwinds the whole time on 90 and it was really boring. 

That all changed when we left 90 and headed NE into the hills on 505 and then 166 towards Fort Davis. 

We climbed into the hills but the wind was behind us and scenery became much more interesting. I don't know what we missed on the original route but it was pretty for us once we got off 90. 
This iPhone camera can't begin to capture distance scenery adequately. 

Fort Davis is a thriving town with old buildings still in use. We camped at the Overland Trail RV Park in the center of town and walked to a Mexican Restaurant (yet again) for dinner. 
83 miles today so we did cut off at least 7 miles. Thanks to all who are following this Blog!

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