This is a bridge on the western outskirts of Austin. It spanned a river about a 100 feet below.
This is the end of the Lance Armstrong Bikeway on the southeast side of Austin. It dumped us out on some undesirable roads until we got about 5 miles down the road. We ate a late lunch at a gas station with some fried chicken and taco type food. Just outside of Cedar Creek Jim got a clicking noise which turned out to be a knot of thick wire stuck in the rear tire. He pulled it out with no leakage. The Kevlar flat proof strip must've stopped it from hitting the tube. A few minutes later he stopped again because the rear tire was going flat. This time it was a little fragment of wire from a steel belted car tire again.
We stopped for night at the Blue Bonnet RV Park. The proprietor fired up the propane hot water heater for the semi open showers next to the tent site. $10 each and the owner built us a fire with the free firewood, a first on the trip. It's nice away from the RV's in a wooded area.
60 miles today
Maybe people are flipping you off because they think you're Lance Armstrong! Just kidding! I don't like hearing about all of this rudeness! Stay safe!